7 Competencies | Lesson #1: Becoming Competent
CourseThe opportunity for lasting impact may be challenging, but it is not elusive. There is a Way – a better way, that guarantees truly lasting influence in the world around you. Learn how to master the 7 Competencies for Greater Work and lasting reward.
7 Competencies | Lesson #2: What are the 7 Competencies?
CourseWe've learned that Knowing + Doing = Being, but where should we aim our efforts for personal and professional development? Learn the 7 essential competencies to master for excellent work and lasting reward.
7 Competencies | Lesson #3: Work On Mission for Glory - Pt. 1
CoursePart 1 of 2 - Great leaders don’t primarily concern themselves with what can go wrong. Instead, they work on what best propels the mission. Our greatest, most glorious work comes when we're seeking the greatest possibilities for the world and others!
7 Competencies | Lesson #4: Work On Mission for Glory - Pt. 2
CoursePart 2 of 2 - Great leaders don’t primarily concern themselves with what can go wrong. Instead, they work on what best propels the mission. Our greatest, most glorious work comes when we're seeking the greatest possibilities for the world and others!
7 Competencies | Lesson #5: Meeting the Needs of Others
CourseIn this lesson, we'll learn how to care deeply for Others by understanding the needs behind the needs of the people you serve. Knowing you are provided for abundantly means you can turn outward to fulfill the needs of others.